
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Holiday time!

Wow- I cannot believe that it is nearly the end of the term already!

What are your plans for the holidays?
Maybe you could keep us updated on the blog.....let us know what exciting things you have or will be doing.
I will post some of my adventures in the UK.....maybe a photo of the Loch Ness Monster!

:-) Miss M

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Great ideas- what are yours??

Watch this great idea on how to help people remember to pick up rubbish.
What ideas do you have that could help solve an everyday problem like lunch rubbish, eating healthy food, remembering your homework etc.

Explain what we could do to make these everyday problems more fun.

Hi Everyone!

I am so pleased that everyone is enjoying the blog and adding lots of posts
Keep it up!
:-) Miss M

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Knock knock
who's there?
Doctor who?
How did you know?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
He didn't get broken
He didn't get bumped
Humpty Dumpty bungey jumped!

By EC and CT


This is a game that Miss Murcott taught us. We like it because it is fun to play with the class.
1. You need 40 cones in a rectangle and two balls.
2. Each team has a jail and a safe house. The jails are on the opposite corners to your own teams space. The safe houses are on the side in the middle of the field.
3. The idea of the game is to capture all the people in the jail and get the other teams ball.
4. To put people in jail you have to grab them and drag them to the jail. If you don't take them to the jail they are fee after counting 1 mississippi, 2 mississippi, 3 mississippi.
5. People can be rescued from the jail by a team member coming and calling 'Tally-ho'. It is important to guard the jail to stop this happening.
6. To win your team needs to have both balls in your part of the field.

Have a go and play it. You will need a big space and it helps to have a captain.

Written by: CL and KM.