
Monday, May 24, 2010

Just for fun 2

What song do you thing Shrek's babies should dance to??

Don't forget the Tarsier!!

Can you remember the adaptations (special features) that the Tarsier has?
List them below.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

something fun!

Homework challenge- t shirt folding

How about that!
I challenge you to have a go at this, if you can do it be ready to show on Friday.
Not only is it fun but your Mum will think you are amazing when you help with the laundry :-).

Monday, May 3, 2010

What do you think?

What do you think about our blog?
What could we put on it?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Attack in the Rainforest.

Watch this funky animation made by some Year 4/5 students.
What do you think?
How will you share your learning this term?

Rainforest Animals

Meet the South American Coati.

What do you think he eats?

What do you think eats him?

How has he adapted to survive in the rainforest?

Type your thoughts below. MM

Room 6 at Enrich

In term 1 we went to Enrich for the day to work on Comic Life.
It was a fantastic day and we learned heaps.: how to take photos using different angles and styles, how to import photos, how to create comics using Comic Life.