The dolphin is a mammal it lives in seas,
oceans and rivers.
The dolphin has fins and flippers. It is
grey and can get up to 2 to 3 metres long.
The dolphins diet is fish, especially arrow
squid, red cod, hoki and yellow-eyed mullet.
The mammal life cycle is much like ours. It
starts off with the female dolphin pregnant then the baby calf is born. The
calf grows until its an adult it then gets a partner.
Many people think the dolphin is rather
intelligent. The dolphin has great eyesight this helps it catch it prey. The
dolphin female dolphin is called a cow and the male dolphin is called a bull
and there young is called a calf.
By Tim
The Cookie Cutter
Cookie cutters teeth are curved in. So when
they bite they get big round cookie shape chunks of flesh out of their prey. This
is where their name comes from.
Cookie cutters are small but feisty, they
will have a go at a human. They get the same confusion as any other shark. They
think a surfer is a seal or a turtle and they may gust be hungry and bite them.
Did you know Cookie cutters glow to attract
small fish or other small and big prey. This helps them hunt because it is very
dark where they live.
People discovered cookie cutters because
their were seals and stuff washed up to shore with cookie cutter bites on them.
The biggest cookie cutter ever to be seen and
measured is 1.1 meters. Most Cookie
cutters only grow up to about 50 cm.
By Rory